Monday, March 6, 2017

Week 8 Reflections

Reading: Concerning my reading choices, I feel like I'm making good choices. I've read stories that I probably would have never read if I were not in this class. I really enjoyed the Japanese and Chinese stories I've read. I feel this is probably because it's a type of literature I've never exposed myself to. I've still not found a great schedule to do the readings. I've found that I put off the reading assignments until the hour before they're due. It's just really convenient when we have so much leeway. I'm hoping that next semester I get on top of it all.

I don't feel that my reading notes were good at the beginning of the course. I feel like I took notes as if I was going to be tested over the material. It's been a struggle to adjust to a different kind of note taking, but I think I've recently found that right balance.

For my upcoming readings, I definitely want to check out the Inuit stories, the marriage tales, and then the stories that contain the stories my storybook will be based on.

Writing: I've definitely been please with my writing. I've surprised myself with how creative I've been. I expected to be pretty dry and unimaginative, but I've pleasantly surprised. When I encounter an issue writing, I've found that taking a break tends to help the most. I feel confident in the storybook I've decided to go with. I think it's completely doable. I just need to make sure I dedicated enough time towards it. It will need solid planning.

Connecting:I really like reading others' stories simply to see the wide array of storytelling techniques and styles people have. I hope I've been helpful with my feedback; the feedback I get has been very helpful. I feel like giving specific examples from their stories the most helpful way to get good feedback.

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Image: Machine Writing, via Pixabay

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