Sunday, April 9, 2017

Famous Last Words: Almost Over

It feels weird because this is the first time in a while that I was able to get both reading assignments finished. But that is probably because I finally am finished with most of my extracurricular stuff. I actually enjoyed the challenge of retelling a nursery rhyme. I think it was really good that I challenged myself to take so little content and flesh it out into a story. I also had fun trying to imagine what the mind of a seven-year-old would be like.

I am really happy with where my storybook is going. At first, I was worried that my idea would be great in theory but garbage in execution, but I have pleasantly surprised myself. Now I just have one more story to write, so, hopefully, it turns out as well as the last two have. I am also excited to write it because it will be the first non-"happily-ever-after" story I write. I actually can't wait to have this project entirely finished; it seems like something cool I can look back on in the future.

I wish my other classes were winding down, but most of them are ramping up in the amount of work to do. In contrast, I feel my motivation is quickly diminishing. All I can look forward to is summer at this point. I would like to get the class over as soon as possible, not because I do not enjoy it, but because it would be convenient. I am almost there, but part of me wants to just put a bare amount of effort in each week and not finish early.

My plan is to do all of the extra credit assignments for this week. That is why I'm writing this. If I do, then I think I can get myself enough points next week so that I can coast the rest of the semester in this course. Wow, that sounds bad and lazy.

Image: tired dog, via Flikr


  1. Hey Todd. I hadn’t checked in on your blog in a while, so I figured I’d stop in and see what you’ve been up to. I feel ya on the motivation thing. I think a good majority of us are feeling that way at the moment! I personally have been able to get both readings done every week, plus at least two extra credit assignments. Most of the semester I was able to stay a week ahead as well. Then last week I was really sick and ended up falling WAY behind. I’m right on schedule now and I missed the first reading assignment of the entire semester last week. Now I’m fighting myself to find the motivation to finish the semester strong. Lol. I’m actually really good on points. I think after this week’s points I’ll only need something like 15 more to get an A. So, part of me wants to just chill and not even bother for the next few weeks. Then I could finish close to the end. I’m going to try not to do that though, because I want to get it done and be able to focus on my other courses…
    I have the opposite problem on my storybook as you. I initially was really excited about it and now I’m doubting myself and thinking it isn’t that great. *shrug* Oh well… I guess we’ll see where it goes!

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  3. Hey Todd! So on second glance I totally have been to your blog before! So sorry I didn't remember. I have not done and last words this semester so I really enjoyed reading your!I totally agree that motivation is dwindling, I am finding it so hard to do even the easiest of assignments! The dog pictures was honestly my favorite part!

  4. Hey Todd! I am glad your happy with the progress in your storybook! I understand, sometime I got lazy and did not do all the readings because of other things going on at the beginning of the week. However it's good that you plan ahead to efficiently use your time, that's good! Good luck on your finals!
