Sunday, April 9, 2017

Wikipedia Trail: From International Romani Day to Czechoslovakia

Flag of the Romani People, via Wikipedia

International Romani Day: I first began with this article due to noticing it in the class announcements (and subsequently writing a blog post about it and how I studied the people in a world music class). I was mainly interested in knowing when it began, which was in 1990.

14th Dalai Lama: I then moved on to the Dalai Lama because I saw he lit a candle to commemorate International Romani Day in 2003. That seemed pretty significant to me, so I thought this would be the right direction to move down the rabbit hole.

Refugee: I then moved on to refugee because of a parallel I thought of. The Romani people were and are often thought of in the same way as many people in the US view refugees -- terrible people. They both are despised by many, even when there is nothing despicable about them.

Czechoslovakia: I ended my journey with Czechoslovakia because of my bloodline. There were many Czechoslovakian refugees during the Nazi era, so that tied well with the previous article. I am also 25% Czechoslovakian, so I thought it was cool to see how my ancestors are just a few jumps away from a holiday that celebrates a group of people that I have been studying in my world music class.

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