Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Week 11 Reading Notes: Nursery Rhymes, Part B

Since so many of the nursery rhymes have no meaning, it has been hard to find areas to be creative. However, I did find one in the Natural History (Part 1) section about a little bird. In it, a person wishes to know how a bird was doing. But as the person neared the window, the bird flew away. This makes me think of a very young child enamored by a bird, curious at how it flies. So if I were to write a story, I would focus on a small child who has a love for birds.

Then there is a story about a little boy going to take hay to a barn, only to be scared by the owl that resides there. If I were to write a story, I could see the boy having a fear of the barn because of the owl. Eventually, he would try to conquer his fear of the owl and see that it is harmless. But in the end, the owl would become scared by the human, fly away, and scare the child. 

Those are really the only two stories I see room for being creative. I figured doing the nursery rhyme section would be difficult anyways. 

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Bibliography: The Nursery Rhyme Book by Andrew Lang

Image: Humpty Dumpy statue, photo via Pixabay

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