Friday, January 6, 2017

Favorite Place

A favorite place of mine is the Rocky Mountains, specifically in Colorado. Here I spent several childhood spring breaks skiing, snowmobiling, and drinking hot cocoa. The various ski villages were always something I looked forward to with its eclectic array of shops and restaurants.

Downtown Colorado Springs. Web Source: Wikipedia Commons


  1. Fantastic, Todd! The snow in Norman today is nothing to compare to the mighty Rocky Mountains. Maybe you'll want to do a class project on the folklore of that area; it's a story-ful part of the country! Here's a Rocky Mountain project someone did a few years ago; my favorite story was this one: The Legend of the Sleeping Ute Mountain :-)

  2. That picture is gorgeous! I always love to see other people's favorite places! I've been to Colorado on a couple of occasions! It is such a beautiful place! I have never been skiing, but I hope to get to go someday! I don't know too much about it though. Any suggestions on ski resorts or places to ski? I've heard skiing for the first time is always awful. Am I in for a terrible time the first time I ski?

    1. My family has always been a fan of going to either Copper Mountain or Keystone. As for lodging, we never liked resorts because it felt too tourist-y. We always would rent a house so that way we had more privacy. As for skiing, I wouldn't say it's terrible. It's just the learning curve. You won't hate the time, especially if you're learning with someone else, but you will probably get frustrated at times.
