Friday, January 6, 2017

Introduction of a Bearded (Future) Accountant

My name is Todd Riddle, and I'm a current accounting major. I come from a small town of about 3,300 people, so adjusting to Norman took some time. Aside from taking classes, I also serve as a program director for the Union Programming Board. In other words, you'll probably be able to find me any given Friday night at the Union helping put on an event. Like my title implies, I have a beard, an unruly beard (for now). I've had it since 10th grade, and it has pretty much become my identity. Here's a picture that was taken of me for a UPB event promotional video. And yes, they asked me solely because of my beard.

Personal photo captured by Francis Phan

One class I took last semester that I greatly enjoyed was a perspectives class on food, culture, and society taught by the wonderful Dr. Sarah Tracy. Throughout the semester we read several books about the world food systems, ingredient manipulation, and how farmers are affected by legislation. It challenged our class to think critically about many facets, from sustainable growing to GMOs to corporate affairs. We even ended up taking a class trip to the Norman Natural Grocers to examine their model of business which includes a strict GMO blanket ban on their products. It opened my eyes to problems our society faces, allowed me to examine my own diet from a new perspective, and led us to examine the nuances of eating. We also wrote papers about our Thanksgiving dinner, so that, too, made the class really cool.

I have seen a lot of classmates including mentions of their favorite music. One band I saw as an opener for a concert was MUTEMATH. I hope to one day see them in concert as the main act. Here's one of my favorite songs by them, "Used To".

One thing I have been challenging myself to do is read more. One book I have recently read is Leah Remini's Troublemaker, a memoir on her experiences with the Church of Scientology. I actually received this book from a game of Secret Santa played among a small group of friends. But it wasn't too secret because I was able to deduce who my secret Santa was. (Thank you, Audrey!) I've found it to be an incredibly engrossing, and flat-out hilarious, account of her time with the Church. As a supplement, I've also been watching her A&E mini-series Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath. Though I find this topic to be extremely fascinating, I'll move on to another book in lieu of sharing my commentary.

One novel I have recently read is Silence by Shūsaku Endō. It follows a Jesuit priest as he travels to Japan on a mission trip. Acclaimed director Martin Scorsese has also recently adapted it into a major motion picture, a "passion project" of his. (Edit: I saw the movie, and I was blown away by how faithful and amazing it was!) My best friend came across this novel while Hastings was still having its liquidation sales. We would go together and browse through the hundreds of book that were becoming more discounted by the day, and on the day of 60% off, he decided to grab it. In retrospect, the book was worth full price.

As for this winter break, I spent it at home doing the one thing I love the most -- sleeping. My mom sometimes gets offended because she thinks I'm just trying to avoid her. I just roll my eyes and look for food. During the breaks between sleeping, I'm probably watching Netflix (because who has time for this during school?) Waking up at two in the afternoon will soon have to change, but I will milk every day I have. Will I hate myself for waiting so long to adjust my sleep schedule? Yes. But am I content for now? Yes, yes I am.

This is my first foray into creative writing, so please bear with me as I get the hang of this.


  1. Wow, director of the Union Programming Board — that must be such an exciting job, Todd! I share events in the class announcements every day, including Union events. Now I'll be able to think about an actual person behind the scenes making all that stuff happen. How cool! And that course with Sarah Tracy sounds excellent: she is such a great person! We came to OU at about the same time (which is to say: many years ago!), and she has done so many innovative classes and projects in that time. And thank you for letting me know about the Silence book! I had seen a trailer for the movie, and I know I want to see it, but I think I should read the book first. I will add it to my (too long) reading list. I just checked and they have it at YES (I always prefer audiobooks when available.) Now I just have to somehow find time to listen :-)

    1. I really hope you like Silence! I found it very powerful. Quick clarification I'd like to make: I'm not THE director of UPB. Haha, that'd be a bit overwhelming. There's actually six of us who are program directors on the executive board. We're each responsible for planning a large event for each semester. But I will still be able to provide with all of the information on our events!

    2. Aha, got it! I had this terrifying vision of your email inbox and Slack notifications when I thought you were sitting on top of the whole UPB pyramid ha ha. That sounds much more do-able! :-)

  2. A fellow accounting major! That's refreshing. I figured I might be the only one in the section. Inserting "(future)" into your title was smart (I am not an account yet either). That class you took about food, society, and culture sounds great. That must have been an awesome experience to take a class trip, which is relatively unheard of among many college courses. I also think it’s rare that a class actually changes a college student's state of mind with dieting. Most college students just try to eat on budget, but there is a whole lot more to it than just that. If I have leftover elective hours, I may look into taking that course! Hopefully you are able to adjust quickly to class with your sleep schedule. It’s hard to believe that you haven’t done any creative writing; this post was well written. I look forward to reading more blogs over the semester.

  3. Hey Todd,
    It’s nice to meet you! First of all, I have to laugh at myself because I literally thought you were the coolest person I’ve ever met for about 5 seconds. Then I realized that your name is Todd, not TOM Riddle. I’m a huge Harry Potter nerd and your name being Lord Voldemort just made me laugh. Lol. I’ve never heard of the books you mentioned but I love to read so I might have to check into them! Not that I really have time to do that much but sometimes I just find the time anyways!
    I have always thought if I had done things differently, I would have been an accounting major. I love math and numbers!! =)

    1. Haha, yeah I totally understand the name mix up. So many people comment on it, but I never get tired or annoyed by it. It's something easy to make people remember me!

  4. Hi! I attend UPB events all the time, so thanks for your role in making those happen!

    I've also been watching Leah Remini's "Scientology and the Aftermath." It's fascinating! It's weird to think something so extreme exists, and to examine why.

    I think you're doing fine with creative writing. You already have a clear and concise writing style and great attention to grammar, and even veteran writers struggle with that stuff.

  5. First, I just want to compliment your beard. Excellent job, sir. I can definitely see why they wanted you to be in their video. Those books both seem interesting. I've never been into books written by celebrities, but that sounds like an interesting topic. I know what you mean about sleep. I sleep constantly during breaks, and I live off of Netflix. I wouldn't survive without it. Especially during school, it keeps me sane. Good luck this semester!

  6. Hey Todd! It's nice to meet you! I think it's really awesome that you're getting into reading again! Like you reading is a pastime I enjoy quite a lot, along with sleeping! I think it's really awesome that you've been so helpful to make the UPB events possible! They're always fun and I'm glad people like you can make them happen!

  7. I thought your intro was really funny. I used to be in UPB, so thats cool that you are the program director. It was a really great way to get involved, use creativity, and get to know people. I wish I had more time for reading, it really is a good habit to get in to. Scientology is an interesting topic, so I bet that book way eye opening.

  8. Hey Todd, I have to say, that is one impressive beard. I also thought for a split second your name was TOM Riddle (can you tell I'm a huge Harry Potter fan?). I actually got to learn a little bit about scientology in my Anthropology of Religion course that I took last semester. It's a really intriguing way to think about life in general. I wish I could take the time out to read for fun, but I just haven't been able to like I used to. Anyways, it was nice meeting you!

  9. Hi Todd! It is a pleasure to meet you! You have quite the personality and seem very funny! Your beard is ferociously awesome! It suits you well, but don't let yourself become one with the beard, let the beard become one with you. Lol. (not sure that made any sense, oh well.)
    Thanks for the recommendations as well, I will definitely add those two to my list to look into reading at some point in time. Hopefully sooner rather than later. I'll also be checking out the film adaptation for Silence, I've heard of it and almost watched it this past Friday night, but it seemed quite the heavy backdrop to an enjoyable weekend. It'll just have to wait for next weekend! haha.
    Good luck with catching up on sleep (I hear once we lose it, we'll never gain it back) and with not watching any Netflix! That is also a hard task in itself. :)

  10. What an amazing beard I am truly impressed! good beard are hard to come by. I definitely want to read all these books that you have on here! Right now I am reading a book called a Storm in a Teacup that is about the Physics of everyday life. I know nothing of Scientology but would be interesting in learning about it.

  11. Hi Todd,

    It's nice to meet you. I have attended several UPB events since my time here in college: Comedy Fight Night, Dancing with the Stars, Haunt the Union, and a few others. I also have a few friends in UPB whom I'd admire as well. You all do a wonderful job at putting on awesome, entertaining events. Congrats! I pretty much always say I am going to read a book for personal pleasure instead of doing assigned reading for classes, but it honestly never seems to happen except on long breaks.

  12. Hi, Todd! I really like your title and it is really funny about your beard. I like how it is basically your trademark now. I have been wanting to watch the series by Leah Remini on A&E. I've been hearing really good things about it and think it would be very interesting. I also love sleeping! I feel dumb when people ask me what my hobbies are. Lol. Nice to meet you!

  13. Hey Todd! It's nice to meet you! You sound like an accomplished guy so far and very involved with OU. You talk about not having time for Netflix, but I don't see how you have time to do all your work on campus. Either way, that's good for you man!
    I also think it's really cool that you took that perspectives class on food. I'm sure there's a lot of different perspectives that we don't take into account when we make decisions in our everyday lives. Just the fact that you took that class and you're aware of another perspective makes you a better person, I think. Anyway, nice to meet you man!

  14. I too love to sleep! It gets to be a problem once the middle of the semester hits because that when I lose my motivation to get for school! Reading is another one of my favorite past times! Though I really only stick with young adult fantasy. Hopefully one summer rolls around I will be able to expand my reading horizons.

  15. Nice to meet you Todd! That is great that you are so involved on campus and like to read a lot. It seems like there are a lot of accounting majors, so you must meet a lot of new people in your classes! Your winter break sounds like it was fun! Eating, sleeping, and Netflix are definitely the way to go. I wish I had enjoyed eating and sleeping more when I was younger and it was all I had to do all the time!

  16. Hi, Todd!
    Accounting is so difficult to me! Props to you for understanding it and being passionate for it. Haha, awesome beard you have; it is a very distinguishable feature. Like you, I also spend my time at home catching up on sleep and Netflix. I noticed my parents just let me do my own thing now instead of getting offended.

  17. Hey Todd,
    First off your picture looks super awkward, but you have a nice beard. So there's that. Also the class you mentioned sounds awesome. I am assuming it would definitely make one think about what you eat and where it comes from. If you are looking for another good read, I would recommend Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. You sound really fun guy, with an awesome sense of humor. I am somewhat sad that I will never met you in person.

  18. Hey Todd, I am a fellow bearded man also so I salute you. However I envy you because I am middle eastern. Unfortunately, things don't always go good when you have a beard and you're middle eastern lol.
    The class you took sound really interesting!

  19. Hello Todd. While I am not a bearded man myself, most of the time at least, I can appreciate the accomplishment that is a full and well-groomed beard. Reading your last name I cannot help but think about the Harry Potter series of books and movies, I am sure this is not the first time that you have heard this.

  20. It's great to get to know you, Todd! You seem to have such a laid back personality that really shines through your writing. You're also a really good writer as far as I can tell. I think it's awesome how involved you are on campus; sometimes I wish I was more involved, but such is life I suppose. I can relate with trying to read more, especially for fun, so I'm glad you make time to do that. I look forward to reading your stories. I'm sure they'll be really creative and fun to read!

  21. My name is Todd also. But I don't have a beard. I wish I did. I took a world religions and societies course here at OU that i thoroughly enjoyed. I would definitely recommend that class to anyone interested in outside cultures (of the USA)

  22. Hi Todd!
    So sorry I am introducing myself so late in the game as it is now week 14 but it is very nice to meet you! You seem like you have a writer’s personality, very causal and laid back. I look forward to scrolling through your blog and reading some of you’re the stuff you have worked on from this semester!
